SCHEDULE-B : Item No.1 : (Doc.No. 980/2010; P.R.Deeds 2205/2001, 3246/2005, 1293/2003, 1291/1998) : 184.8 Sq. Yards of site in R.S.No.260/1 of Siddantham village, existing near house bearing Dr.No.7-38 of Siddantham Gram Panchayat, Penugonda Mandal, Penugonda Sub-Division Penugonda S.R.O. West Godavari Dist. Andhra Pradesh Item No.2 : Un-divided 1/3rd i.e., 17.3. Sq Yards in total 51.6 Sq.Yards of joint lane adjacent to item no. 1 site. Item No.3 : (Doc No. 2915 / 2010 P.R.Deed 1377/2003) : Southern 200 Sq Yards of site in total 543.5 Sq. Yards of site in R.S.No.260/1 of Siddantham village, existing near house bearing Dr.No.7-30 of Siddantham Gram Panchayat, Penugonda Mandal, Penugonda Sub-Division Penugonda S.R., West Godavari Dist. Andhra Pradesh Item No.4 111.6 Sq.Yards of site existing towards south of item no.1 site Item No.5 (Doc.No.235/2010, P.R.Deeds Doc.Nos. 860/2006, 2205/2001, 3246/2005, 1293/2003, 1291/1998) : 182.6 Sq. Yards of site in R.S.No.260/1 of Siddantham village, existing near house bearing Dr.No.7-38 of Siddantham Gram Panchayat, Penugonda Mandal, Penugonda Sub-Division Penugonda S.R., West Godavari Dist. Andhra Pradesh Item No.6 Un-divided 1/3rd i.e., 17.3. Sq. Yards in total 51.6 Sq. Yards of joint lane adjacent to item no.1 site. Item No.1 to 6 put together, total of an extent of 713.70 Sq. Yds of Site