Description of the Property: Schedule No:1 House Property Bearing No.35 ( New). 28-A ( Old). R S No 82-3 Situated at Gandhi Colony Koradachery, Mangudi Village, Taluk Kudavasal (Old) Needamangalam (New) Tiruvarur District Koothanallur Sub Registry, Nagapattinam Registration District Total extent of land is 1026 sqft with an RCC residential building (GF 812 sqft & FF 600 sq ft) there on Measurement of plot East to West on both sides 27ft, South to North on both sides 38 ft Boundaries North By Street, East by Rengasamy House site, West By Govindan and other's Site, South by Rengasamy House site. Item No : 2 Land Property Situated at Gandhi Colony, Koradachery Mangudi Village, Taluk Kudavasal (Old) Needamangalam ( New) Tiruvarur District Koothanallur Sub Registry Nagapattinam Registration District 1) RS No.82/3 punjai land 238.76 Sq. (2570 Sq.ft 2)RS No. 82/4 Punjai land 81.01 sqm (872 Sq.ft) 3) RS No 82/5 Punjai Land 76.93 Sq.m (828 Sq.ft) Total 396.70 sqm (4270 Sq.ft Boundaries South of R Vijayakumar house and Saravana Kumar Manai and Lane, North of Channel East of Murugesan House and mania. West of Rajeswari House and mania. 4)RS No. 187/66 (Old No.90-5) manai an extent of 91 sqm (979 Sq ft) Boundaries East of Vijayakumar Natham mania, West of Saroja Manai, North of Vijayakumar House, South of Road Total extent of items 1 to 4=487.70 Sq. (5249 Sq.ft).