DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY : Sale Deed Doc. 412/2020 . Salem West Registration District, Sankari Sub Registration District,Sankari Taluk,SankariVillage,inS.No.147Asperthe sub division in Patta No.52 in S.No.147/2B120 Dry 0.02.5 Hec. Assessment of Rs.0.08 & S.No.147/2B121 Dry 0.02.0 Hec. Assessment of Rs.0.06 within this to the extent of 2915 Sq.fts of land and bounded as follows : Boundaries : East of : Property belongs to Palanigounder and others, West of : House belongs to Alagiri Chettiar, North of 10 ft East West concrete Road, South of : S.No.1 149 Bhavani Main Road Measurements Admeasuring East West on the northern side 31 ft, on the southern side 30ft North South on the Easternside 100ft.ontheWesternside91ftwithinto the extent of 2915Sq.ftsofland with buildingandall path way rights and all easmentary rights and etc.,