The specific details of the assets which are intended to be brought to sale are enumerated hereunder: Detailed description of the Property: Property 1: Sri Potti Sreeramulu Nellore Registration District, Kovur Sub - Registration District Pothireddy palem village and Panchayat, Kovur Mandal, in Survey No. 207. an extant of Ac.3.00 Cents, out of it Ac. 0.85 cents, out of it Ac. 0.42 1/2 cents or 257.12 Ankanams or 2057 Sq. Yards of site and an extent of 2009 Sq. feet of ACC roofed structure therein with assessment No. 593, owned by Mr. Malli Prasanna Kumar, S/o Mr. M Sanakar Rao. within the following boundaries East: Site of Malli Bala Krishna, South: Land of Kovur Sugar factory. West: Land of Gonduboina Nageswara Rao and Kalesha, North: Road. Within the above referred boundaries, an extant of Ac. 0.42 1/2 Cents or 257.12 Ankanams or 2057 Sq Yards of site and an extent of 2009 Sq feet of ACC roofed house therein with all easementary rights.