Sri Potti Sreeramulu Nellore District registration - Bucchireddypalem Sub - Registrar's office - Buchireddipalem Revenue Mandal - Buchireddipalem gram panchayat area - Vavveru village hamlet of Buchireddipalem - land in Sy No. 60/3-6th ward, 13th Block Kotha Kasipalem area, D.No. B13-24/6.7 an extent of 23 Ankanams or 184 Sq.yards or 153.87 Sq. mts of site and structures therein with assessment No. 2565, owned by Mr. Malli Prasanna Kumar, S/o Mr. Malli Shankar Rao. with the following boundaries (DOC No. 2108/2006) East 9 feet width of joint passage. South Joint wall between this house and house of Malli Bujjamma West Site of Malli Kamakshamma North Joint wall between this house and house of Malli Bala krishna Within the above referred boundaries an extent of 23 ankanams or 184 Sq.yards. or 153.87 Sq mts site and structures therein with all easementary rights
an extent of 23 Ankanams or 184 Sq.yards or 153.87 Sq. mts of site and structures therein