East Godavari District, Biccavole Mandal, Biccavole Sub Registrar office in Balabhadrapuram (village & Panchayat) in Balabhadrapuram village RS NO:231/2A, in a full extent of Ac.0.34cents or 1645.6s.yds. Full Extent of R S NO:231/2A and in an extent of Ac 0.39cents or 1887.6syds out of south side Ac 2.19cents in a full extent of Ac6.19cents in R S No:230 and the total extent comes 0.73cents (3533.2syds) and out of which an extent of 0.14cents(677.6syds) was sold to Dwarampudi Someswara Reddy and remaining extent of Ac 0.59cents (2875.0syds) situated in R S NO: 230,231/2A with in following boundaries
East : Land in R S NO 231/A
West : S R Road
North : This Number Land
South : Site sold to Dwarampudi Someswara Reddy
Within the above boundaries in an extent of Ac. 0.59cents or 2875.0syds of property wherein ACC Go-down with present D NO:9-7 with all easement rights
Industrial Shed for Sale in Industrial Area Balabhadrapuram