Godown Building in 3388.00 Sq.Yds belongs to Mr. Maddukuri Mohana Ganesh & Mr. Maddukuri Venugopal
Item No. 1: Ac. 0.45 Cents belongs to Mr. Maddukuri Mohan Ganesh
Land situated in Erstwhile West Godavari District, Presently east Godavari District, Nidadavole Sub Registry, Chagallu Mandal, Daravaram Gram Panchayath Area, Daravaram Village, R S No. 33/1, from out of full extent of Ac. 4-45 Cents, on its North-West an extent of Ac. 0.45 Cents [2178 Sq.Yds] is bounded by on the:
Item No. 2: Ac. 0.25 Cents belongs to Mr. Maddukuri Venugopal
Land situated in Erstwhile West Godavari District, Presently east Godavari District, Nidadavole Sub Registry, Chagallu Mandal, Daravaram Gram Panchayath Area, Daravaram Village, R S No. 33/1, from out of full extent of Ac. 4-45 Cents, on its South from out Ac. 1-00 Cents, an extent of Ac. 0.25 Cents [1210 Sq.Yds] is bounded by on the: