All that piece and parcel of Bastu land along with building measuring about more or less 4.10 Decimal at RS & LR Dag No. 1477, LR Khatian No. 424, Hal Khatian 2559, J.L. No. 49. Mouza Rafipur Touzi 13 (Hal) at Vill Rafipur, P.O. Arkhali Amdanga, P.S. Amdanga Dist North 24 Parganas, Pin 743 221, under the limit of Sadhanpur Gram Panchayet comprised in Gift Deed No. 151602083 for the year of 2018 related Book- 1, Volume Number 1516-2018, Pages from 45639 to 45672 in the O/o ADSR Amdanga, West Bengal. Boundaries North By- 10 feet wide Road, South By Property of Ayub Ali Mondal. East By 10 feet wide Road, West By Property of Faizal Ali Mondal. The Property stands in the name of Mr. Hasanur Jaman Mondal, S/o. Late Abdul Rasid Mondal.