All that piece and parcel of Land Area 15 Decimal more or less and two storied Building thereon at Pargana - Azimabad, Mouza - Hasimnagar, J. L. No. 126, L. R. Khatian No. 519, R. S. Dag No. 1245, P. S. - Falta, under Banganagar 2 Gram Panchayat, Registered at Sub-Registrar Falta, Dist. - 24 Parganas South, registered vide Deed No. I-4161 dated 31.07.1978. The property stands in the name of Prabir Poria. The property is butted and bounded by : North - Land of Prabir Poria, South - Land of Prabir Poria, East - Diamond Harbour Road, West - Land of Prabir Poria