All that piece and parcel of Vastu Land measuring an area of 0.27 Acre be the same or a little more or less, with consturctions / building thereon Lying and situated at/in Mouza Suknator, J.L. No. 711, Sabek Khatian Nos. 412. 87, 137/1, 240 (L.R), Hal Khatian Nos. 413, 390. 391, RS Plot No. 157 and LR Plot No. 920. measuring land area of 0.27 Acre more, or less, ADSR. Garheta P.S. Garhbeta Dist. Paschim Medinipor. West Bengal (Vide Title Deed Nos. 2245/2013, 1076/2012, 3348/2011 & 3305/2008)