All that piece and parcel of Bastu land along with building measuring about more or less 1 Cottah 14 Chittak 33 Sq.Ft. at RS & LR Dag No 866, RS Khatian No 567 LR Khatian 4151(old) Hal LR Khatian 4652 JL No 141 Mouza- Kanthalia Touzi Sabek 146 Hal 12 Village- DafadarPara, Kanthalia PO- Chooto Jagulia PS- Duttapukur Dist- North 24 Parganas Pin- 743294, under the limit of Kadambagachi Gram Panchayet comprised in Sale Deed no 151900001 for the year of 2017 related Book- I, Volume Number 1519-2017, pages from 140 to 155 registered in the Office of ADSR Kadambagachi, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. Boundaries North By Property of Habibur Rahaman, South By 6 feet wide common passage, East By Property of Kamal Sardar, West By 8 feet wide common passage. The property stands in the name of Mrs. Minuara Bibi W/o-Abdul Shohid