SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY : Property 1 - Properties of Mr. S.A. Ganesan - Item 1: All that piece and parcel of land and building situated in Tiruvallur District Uthukkotai Tauk Kannigaiper Village comprised in S. No.578-B/42 measuring 10 Cents (4360 Sq. ft) and in S. No. 578-B/40 measuring 0.04 1/4 Cents 1853 Sq. ft). under SRO-Arani Item 2 : All that piece and parcel of land and building situated in Tiruvallur District, Uthukkotai Tauk, Kannigaiper Village comprised in S. No.578-B/39 measuring 11 Cents (4796 Sq. ft.) under SRO-Arani. Total area : 4360 Sq. ft. + 1853 Sq. ft. + 4796 Sq. ft. = 11009 Sq. ft.