All that piece and parcel of homestead land measuring about 1 (One) Katha 4 (Four) Chitak 32 (Thirty Two) Sq.ft more or less together with any construction thereon situated and lying at Mouza-Udayrajpur, Pargana - Anowarpur. J.L. No. 43. Re. Sa. No. 6, Touzi No. 146, R.S. Dag No. 1215. L.R. Dag No. 2792 (as per record of, Scheme Plot No. '4', Khatian No. 405. New L.R. Khatian No. 8017 (in the name of Md. Manju Gaji as per record of Municipal Ward No. 9, within the limits of Madhyamgram Municipality, P.S. - Barasat Now Madhyamgram, recorded in Book No. 1. CD Volume No 8, Page from 6751 to 6763, being No. 06812 for the year 2008. registered at office of the DSR. II. North 24 Parganas, West Bengal This property butted and bounded by : North - 12 ft. wide Common Passage South - Rest land of Dag No. same, East - Rest land of Dag No. same, West - Rest land of Dag No. same. The property stands in the name of Md. Manju Gaji, S/o. Late Md. Raub Gaji, 68/A, Najrul Islam Sarani, East Udayrajpur, P.O. - Udayrajpur & P.S. Madhyamgram, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, Pin - 700 129.