Property 2 :- All that piece and parcel of land measuring 02 (Two) Cottahs11 (Eleven) Chhittaks 00 (Zero) Square Feet be the same littlemore or less at Mouza Kandarpapur Boalia, J.L. No. 49, Touzi No. 380, R.S. Dag No. 81(P), corresponding L.R. Dag No. 93(P), under R.S. Khatian No. 285 corresponding L.R. Khatian No. 2097 and within the local limits of The Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, Ward No. 6. being the Holding No. 516, Police Station Sonarpur, District Sub-Registrar-Alipur. South 24 Parganas and Additional District Sub- Registrar Garia, District : South 24 Parganas being Gift Deed No. 162903372 of 2017, in the name of Gunadhar Saha Roy, S/o. Jognedra Nath Saha Roy. Boundary : On the North 12'-0" wide Road, On the South Plot of same RS Dag No. 81(P), On the East 12'-0" wide Road, On the West: Plot of same RS Dag No. 81(P)