All that piece or parcel of land measuring about more or less 7.08 Decimal under Mouza - Durgapur, J.L. No. 88, Touzi No. 15, Dag No.. 891 (RS & LR), Khatian Nos. 272/1, 160, 27. 115, 190 under the jurisdiction of Kaniara-{ Gram Panchayat, PS.~ Bagdah, A.0.S.R. - Helencha, Dist. - 24 Pgs (North), Registered at Additional District Sub-Registrar, Helencha and recorded in Book No. |, Volume No. 1518-2017, Page from 8344 to 8361, Being No. 151800362 for the year-2017. The Property Butted ‘and Bounded by : North By - By Legai Heirs of Abul Mondal, South by - BY 8” wide Common Passage, East by - By Land of ‘Aleknur Mondal, West by - By Land of Khalek Mondal and Aleknur Mondal. The Property Stands in the name of Julia Mondal (Sultan), Wio. Mijanur Mondal