Property 2 All that piece and parcel of land measuring 01 Cottah, 14 Chittack, 8 Sq.ft. comprised in Dag No. 717, under Khatian No. 455 and also an area of land which has now been converted in to Danga measuring 1 Chittack, 41 Sq.ft. and building thereon comprised in Dag No. 718 under Khatian No. 466 totally measuring 2 Cottah, 4 Sq.ft in Mouza Liluah, J.L. No. 12, corresponding to Bally Municipality, Ward No. 23, Holding No. 118/A, Daspara Road, P.S. Liluah, Dist Howrah, together with right of user of 8' ft wide common passage alongwith all right, easements, quasi-easements and privileges thereto comprised in Deed No. I-1835/2004 registered at D.S.R Howrah. The Property stands In the name of Sri Debabrata Maity, S/o. Late Gour Shankar Maity and Smt. Tiya Maity, W/o. Srl Debabrata Maity. The Property is butted and bounded by : On the North Road, On the South - Private passage of vendor, On the East Vendor's open land, On the West - 8ft wide Common Passage