Property 2 Equitable Mortgage of Land with Building, in the name of Azad Mission Teachers Training College Represented by its Secretary Abu Sufian Seikh at Vill & Post Jibanti, P.S. Kandi, Dist Murshidabad, J.L. No. 34, Mouza Jiadara, Plot No. LR-2984 LR-2990, LR-3005, LR-3008 LR-3029 Khatian No. LR 4481, Area 65.50 Decimal Classification-Viti. The Sale Deed of the property is 2113 of 2012, Registered at ADSR Kandi, Murshidabad, West Bengal The Property is butted and bounded by North Property of Primary School and Abu Sufian, South Cannel, East Property of Abu Sufian, West Road