All that piece and parcel of land alongwith building constructed thereon lying and situated at Touzi No. 346, R.S. No. 83, J.L. No 2. Mouza- Behala Gram, Khatian 538. Dag No 1656. Within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (S.S. Unit) Ward No. 129, being Premises No. 169. Jayrampur Jala Road, P.S. Parnashree Kolkata 700 060, being Deed No. 1607-01630 for the year 2020, registered before A.D.S.R. Office Behala, Dist South 24 Parganas. Butted & Bounded by North Property of Mr. Bose, South Common Passage of breadth 4 foot. East Property of Plot Nos. 2 & 3. West Property of Mr. Jogesh Chakraborty