Land and Building situated at:- Flat No. 609, Sixth Floor, Ratandham Apartmant, Premises No. 12/483, Mc Robertganj, Kanpur Nagar, UP-208001 admeasuring Super area 110.13 Sq. Mtr. (Covered area 88.10 Sq Mtr.) alongwith undivided proportionate land area admeasuring 40.43 Sq. Mtr. in the name of Mohd Shakeel Khan S/o Late Mohd Khalil Khan and Smt Hina Khan W/o Mohd Shakeel Khan Registration Details:- Sale deed dated 31.07.2010 at the office of registered with Sub-Registrar-| Kanpur Nagar Book No. 1, Zild No. 4578 page No. 145-192 at Silsila No 3526. Bounded by: East: Open space of the premises, West: Flat No. 610, North: Common passage and Flat No. 612, South: Open space of the premises