(Property ID- DIB617137157802) Item No2-Owned by Mr Hariharan Y All that piece and parcel of the land in the sanctioned plan of Hosur NHS Phase VIII, House NoM 341, New ASTC HUDCO bearing S No 275 Pt and 281 Pt of Hosur Village in Hosur Taluk, Krishnagiri District and within the limits of Hosur City Municipal Corporation and also within the Registration District of Krishnagiri and Sub Registration District of Hosur and bounded by. On the North by- 9.00 Mts Road, On the East by- 9.00 Mts Road, On the South -Plot No 324. On the West by-Plot No 342, Splay North East 2.00 Mtr. Within these boundaries measuring East to West on the Northern side-9.00 mts, East to West on the Southern side- 10.50 mts, North to South on the Eastern side- 13.75 mts, North to South on the Western side- 15.25 mts. Splay North East- mts. Totally measuring an extent of 159 sq mts of land in this erected RCC building admeasuring 34.50 Sq mts(being the original constructed allotted and covered under the Housing board allotment stated herein) including all accessories electrical installation. bore well pipe fitting doors, windows, water connection, compound wall etc. The house bearing D No MIG 341, Electrical Service Connection No- 0807701293 Municipal Assessment Tax No 38521, Water Connection No 4699