Guntur Dist Guntur sub-Dist in the area of Guntur Municipal limit Guntur city old Guntur Yadavula Bazar 1" line Muncipal Ward No-7 New Ward No 11 Block No-11, T.S No. 878 out of an extent of Ac 8.11761 sqft, GMC City planners TSA No-1819/2017-18G-3,F.L.R No-967/2017/T.S. dated 16/12/2017 endorsement Muncipal ward No 7. Block No-11, T.S NO-878/19 of site in which an extent of 216-1/3 sq. yds of site Muncipal old Asst No. 23307- 01 Present Asst.No.79670 Old Door No-16-15-18 Present Door No-16-15-34 of Site in which RCC roofed Daba there in ,along with its all fixtures and fitting which is Bounded by:- East: . Property belong to sampathi veeramma 63-6 South: . Muncipal Corporation Road 30-0, West: . Property belong to Kadava sitaravammas legal heirs 63-6, North: - Property belong to Yalamanchall Venkat Rao 31-0