3.25 Ares of Purayidom (Dry land) in Re.Sy.no.469/1-1 (Old Sy.no.141/3A/1) and building in 45.00 Sq.Mtrs. with door no.11/236 (Old no.13/462A) thereon in Punnapra south village, Ambalapuzha taluk, Alappuzha district in the name of Smt. Fasila Kunjumon. Boundaries: East : Property of Lyju and Madhu South: Road West: Property of Madhu North: Panchayat Lyju
3.25 Ares of Purayidom Dry land in Re.Sy.no.469 BY 1-1 Old
Sy.no.141 BY 3A BY 1 and building in 45.00 Sq.Mtrs. with door
no.11 BY 236 Old no.13 BY 462A