Schedule No. All that part and parcel of the property at Pudhucherry Registration District, Karaikal Sub- Registration District, Kottucherry Commune, No.09. Varichikudy South Village, "Sahara City" 1. A) R.S.No. 147/5. O.S.Nos.239/2,239/3, Patta No.873, Extent 62 Are 00ca. B) R.S.No.147/6, O.S.No.239/4 Patta No.873, Extent 27 Are 50 CAL Total Extent of above Two items 89 Are 50 Ca in which a part of a small extent 01 Are 69.28 Ca or 1821 Sq.ft of Manai in Plot No.22 of Wet land Is situated within the following boundaries:- Boundaries: North of 6.10 Meter breadth Municipal Road South of plot No-33 West of plot No-23 East of Plot No-21
Residential Plot situated at Kottucherry Commune, No.09, Varichikudy South Village,"Sahara City" with an extent of 1821 sq.ft.