Property ID- DIB631755872501 In Krishnagiri District, Krishnagiri Registration District, Hosur Sub Registr District, Hosur Taluk, Zuzuvadi Village, Sy No 472, Dry Ext Hec 1.88.0. Asst Rs 5.20. In this site land is bounded as follows- East-Land belongs to Mr Ramaiah, West-12 feet wide common way Non th- Land belongs to Mrs Ammaiammal, South- Land belongs to Mrs Senthil In the midst- East to West on Nor th Side-26 feet, East to west on South Side-26 feet South to North on East Side- 50 feet, South to North on West Side-45 feet Total measuring an extent of 1235 Sq ft land only The property comes under village panchayat limits of Zuzuvadi Village and union council of Hosur. The property comes under New Sub Division Sy No 472/1A1A Dry Ext Hec 1.21.5 Asst Rs 3.37.