Item No. 4 : Document No. 10266/2017 : A-Schedule An extent of 3493.38 sq.yards or 2920.92 sq.mtrs of residential site bearing Re- Survey No. 64/3, Door No. 76-15-6, situated at Bhavanipuram, Vijayawada within the limits of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Area, within the Jurisdiction of Vijayawada District Registrar Office, being bounded by : East: Gunupudi Subba Rao; South : National Highway No.9; West Re-Survey No. 63 of Darga; North : Re-Survey No. 64/2 of Darga. An undivided and unspecified joint share of 30.0 sq.yards or 25.08 sq mtrs site out of the above total extent of 3493.38 sq.yards or 2920.92 sq. mtrs and B-Schedule : In the above said total extent of A-Schedule site, apartments have been constructed in the name and style of "P.s. Towers", Kaveri Block, in which Flat No. 1, in the Second Floor bounded by : East : Common Corridor; South : Open to sky; West : Open to sky; North: Flat No. 2. In between the above Four boundaries an RCC Apartment admeasuring 740.0 sq. ft plinth area including (including common area) 100.0 sq. ft parking area together with all fixtures with joint rights in water, drainage, staircase, along with other co-owners and with all common facilities and with all easement rights.