(1) Equitable mortgage of Rice Mill Land ad-measuring 51 decimals (more or less) standing in the name of M/s Green Garden Agro Pvt. Ltd. lying and situated at Mouza- Dhanjipur. JL No. 22, RS & LR Dag No 266. 274, 275 & 276 appertaining to LR Khatian No. 144 and 146, PS- Dadpur, Block Polba Dadpur within the ambit of Goshwami Malipara Gram Panchayat, Dist- Hooghly,7 712305 The property is registered vide gift deed no-l-1646 of 2021 dated 08.03.2021 recorded in book no. I. Volume no. 0602-2021 Page no from 65445 to 65477 registered at D.S.R.-II. Hooghly on 13.04.2021 The schedule of the property as under (a) All that Piece or parcel of Rice Mill Land admeasuring about 13 decimal comprising in RS & LR Dag no 274. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 275 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 261 No. Rice Mill, On the East: 12' ft Metal Road On the West: By Dag no 273 No. Rice Mill. (b) All that piece or parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 10 Decimal comprising in RS & LR dag no 275. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 277 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 274 No. Rice Mill, On the East 12' ft Metal Road On the West: By Dag no 276 No. Rice Mill. (c) All that piece and parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 20 Decimal comprising in RS & LR dag no 276. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 277 no. Rice Mill. On the South: By Dag no 273 No. Rice Mill, On the East By Dag no 275 No. Rice Mill. On the West By Dag no 271 & 272 No. Rice Mill. (d) All that piece and parcel of 'Rice Mill" land measuring 08 Decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 266. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 268 no. Rice Mill, On the South: Land of others, On the East: By Dag no 272 No. Rice Mill, On the West: Land of others. (2) Equitable mortgage of Rice Mill Land ad-measuring 160 decimals (more or less) standing in the name of M/s Green Garden Agro Pvt. Ltd. lying and situated at Mouza- Dhanjipur, JL No 22. RS & LR Dag No 265, 270, 271, 272 and 273 appertaining to LR Khatian No. 144 and 146, PS- Dadpur, Block-Polba Dadpur within the ambit of Goshwami Malipara Gram Panchayat t-Hooghly, 712305 The property is registered vide gift deed no-l- 1645 of 2021 dated 08.03.2021 recorded in book no. I. Volume no. 0602-2021. Page no from 65478 to 65512 registered at D.S.R.-II. Hooghly on 13.04.2021 The schedule of the property is as follows: (a) All that piece and parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 27 Decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 265. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 268 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 264 No. Rice Mill. On the East: By Dag no 261 No. Rice Mill, On the West: Land of Others (b) All that piece or parcel of "Rice Mill" land admeasuring about 49 Decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 270. Boundary as per deed is as follows. On the North: By Dag no 278 & 280 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 268 No. Rice Mill, On the East: By Dag no 271 & 272 No. Rice Mill, On the West By Dag no 269 No. Rice Mill. (c)All that piece and parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 15 decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 271. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 280 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 270 No. Rice Mill, On the East: By Dag no 276 & 277 No. Rice Mill, On the West By Dag no 270 No. Rice Mill. (d) All that piece and parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 32 decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 272. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 271 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 265 No. Rice Mill. On the East: By Dag no 276 & 273 No. Rice Mill, On the West By Dag no 268 & 270 No. Rice Mill. (e) All that piece and parcel of "Rice Mill" land measuring about 37 decimal standing thereon comprising in RS & LR Dag no 273. Boundary as per deed as follows: On the North: By Dag no 276 no. Rice Mill, On the South: By Dag no 261 No. Rice Mill. On the East: By Dag no 274 No. Rice Mill, On the West: By Dag no 272 No. Rice Mill.
Rice Mill-211 decimal,Mouza- Dhanjipur, JL No.22, RS LR Dag No.266, 274, 275 276 Goshwami Malipara Gram Panchayat, Dist- Hooghly,712305.