All That a piece and parcel of land measuring about 5 (Five) Katha or 3600 Sq. ft. or 8.26 Satak with structure thereon situated and lying at Mouza-Mamudpur, J.L. No.-09, R.S. No.-70, Touzi No.-2 (Hal), R.S. Dag No. 695, 696 & 697, L.R. Dag No.-851, 852 & 853, R.S. Khatian No. 1008, 1044 & 1953, L. R. Khatian No. 2372 within the limits of Mamudpur Gram Panchayet, P.O.- Mamudpur, P.S. Naihati, Additional District Sub-registration Office at Naihati, Dist. North 24 Parganas, West Bengal-743166, recorded in Book No. 1, Volume No. Notional I, Page No 29-36, being No. 2368 for the year 2009, registered at Office of the ADSRO-Naihati, North 24 Parganas
This property butted and bounded by:
North- Adhata Road
South– Dag No. 697
East- Dag No. 696 & 697
West- Own House