Detailed description of the Property: All the piece and parcel of the Residential Building Premises constructed on part of site bearing No.53 measuring East to West : 30' North to South : 30' totally measuring 900 square feet. formed out of alienated Sy. No 89. Vide conversion order No. ALN 11/1972-73 dated 27.11.1972 bearing old VP Khatha No. 569/3 and 570. Present Town Municipal Khatha No. 2458/5118 bearing PID No 37-524- 74. Situated ay Deshihalli Municipal Limits Bangarpet Town Bangarpet comes under the limits of Town Municipal Council Bangarpet, (Earlier within the limits od Deshihalli Village limits) and the same is bounded by : East: Remaining Portion of Property of BM Venkatesh Property no 37-524-76 West Road (510/8th A main Road) North : Road (Property No. 524-A Cross Road) South : Site No. 54 (Property No. 37-510-78)