Factory Land and Building in Karaikudi Registration District, Tirupathur Sub-District, 32- Karaiyur group, Cholampatti Village, property is owned by Sri. M. Balamurugan (Proprietor: Fenerve Building), 1. In survey No.32/1E-dry land-0.49.5 Hectares: Four Boundaries: land Owned by P. Muthchamy and P sethu South: Land Owned by P Arumugam and P karunakaran and road. East: Land owned by PI Sethu and Road. West: Land owned by P karunakaran, P Arumugam, P Sethu. With these a manglore tiled builed constructed theron, with Electric fittings, bearing Door No.495 and Electric Service connection No.243 2. In Survey No.32/1J- Dry land -0.05.0 Hectares Four boundaries: North: Land owned by P Arumugam South: Road East: Kovil West: Land owned by PI. Muthuchamy. 3. S.No.32/1B with an extent of 0.22.0 Hectares /54cents: Four Boundaries: Punja land owned by PI Sethu South: Punja land owned by Arumugam East: Punja land owned by Sethu West: Punja land owned by Arumugam.