Plot in Kasipalayam, Erode Indian Overseas Bank Indian Overseas Bank


  • Bank Auction of Plot in Kasipalayam, Erode
Borrower Name
Bank Name
Indian Overseas Bank
Property Type
SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY(IES) Property 1 Erode RD, Erode SRD, Erode Taluk, outside the Erode Municipal Limit, Erode Village, Old SF No. 1218, P, Acre 10.97, for this kist Rs.12.00, for this RS. No. 1374/1 & 1382/8, Punja hector 4.44.0, in his punja acre 2.19 in this property situates within the following boundaries : West of the North South pathway in RS No. 1374/2 East of the mandaiveli and the property of Duraisamy Vagayara South of the property of Sabapathi and the property of Duraisamy Vagayara North of the property of Duraisamy Vagayara Which admeasures 161 feet on East West on North, 189 feet on East West on South, 147 feet on North South on East, 42 ½ feet on North South on West from northern corner, from there 10 feet on East West towards East and from there 52 feet on North South towards South, from there 25 feet on East West towards West and from there 52 feet on North South towards South with a total extent of 24416 sq, feet for this 0.56 acre of punja land, in this the property situates in the layout formed and within the following boundaries : North of the 23 feet broad East – West Road South of the property of Sabapathi East of the vacant land of R Dhamothara prabhu West of the terraced building vagayara of other person. Which admeasures 18 feet on East West on both sides, 62 feet on North South on East and 63 feet on North South on West with a total extent of 1125 sq. feet of land and also the property situates within the following boundaries: North of the 23 feet broad East West road and the noon meal scheme building in RS No. 1382/6 East of the mandaiveli land in RS No. 1382/6 South of the land K P Rajendran West of the vacant land of R Dhamothar prabhu Which admeasures 40 feet on East West on North, 65 feet on North South on East, 35.60 feet on East West on South, 19.30 feet on North- South on West from South western corner towards North, from there 11 feet on East West on South towards west and from there 49.60 feet on North South on West towards North with a total extent of 2782.sq. feet of land . The total extent of the above said land is 3907 sq. feet (i.e. 1125 + 2782) of land and the common rights in all roads and all easementary rights thereto . The above said property situates in RS No. 1382/8- part, Natham RS No. 1869/28, patta No. 3092 and situates in Jeevanandham street & Baladhandayuthapani street and in the ward no-12 of Kasipalayam 3rd grade municipality . The Property is in the name of Sri. K P Rajendran S/o Ponnusamy Gounder
Plot for Sale in Erode
0.56 acre
Kasipalayam, Erode
Reserve Price
Emd Amount
Bid Increment
EMD submission
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 10:00 AM
Auction Start Date & Time
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 11:00 AM
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Auction End Date & Time
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 01:00 PM
Bank Contact Details
Phone No : 0424-2265336
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