Plot in Palladam, Coimbatore Indian Overseas Bank Indian Overseas Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Hi-Tech Mineral Industries Covai Pvt. Ltd
    Bank Name
    Indian Overseas Bank
    Property Type
     Item No. 1-A: In Tirupur Registration District, Negamum Sub Registration District, in Palladam Taluk, in Sultanpet Panchayat Limits, in Poorandampalayam Village, in S.F.6B an extent of Punja acres 9.31 Tharam Rs.10.50 in this the landed property of an extent of Punja Acre 7.00 acres with right over the mamool cart track. Item No. 1-B: Further in Poorandampalayam Village, in S.F.No. 6B, an extent of 9.31 acres. In this the area admeasuring 2.31 acres with right over the mamool cart track. And further in Poorandampalayam Village, in S.F.No. 6/C1, an extent of 2.60 acres, in this an extent of 1.30 acres. Both totaling 3.61 acres with right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. Item No. 1-C: Further in Poorandampalayam Village, in S.F.No. 6A, an extent of 6.19 acres in this the land property with the right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. The property is now situated in S.F.Nos. 6/A1, 6/A2, 6/A3, 6/A4 and 6/A5. TOTAL EXTENT IN POORANDAMPALAYAM VILLAGE IS 16.80 ACRES. Item No. 2: In Tirupur Registration District, Palladam Sub Registration District, Palladam Taluk in Sultanpet Union Limits, in Varapatti Village, in S.F. 748/2, an extent of 6.10 acres, in this East West Direction on the Southern side the landed property area admeasuring 3.05 acres. Further, in S.F. No. 749 an extent of 5.05 acres, in this on the eastern side on the North South direction the landed property area admeasuring 2.52 acres. Further in S.F. No. 750/1, an extent of 3.85 acres in this North direction on the eastern side in this the area admeasuring 2.12 acres. Item No. 3: Further in Varapatti Village, In S.F. No. 648/2, an extent of 3.40 acres. In S.F. No. 647/2, an extent of 3.36 acres. Item No. 4: Further in Varapatti Village, In S.F. No. 646/2D, an extent of 1.31 acres with right over the Mamool Cart Track. Item No. 5: Further in Varapatti Village, In S.F. No. 647/1, an extent of 3.61 acres. In S.F. No. 648/1, an extent of 3.52 acres. Item No. 6: Further in Varapatti Village, In S.F. No. 646/2E, an extent of 2.05 acres with all right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. Item No. 7: Further in Varapatti Village, In S.F. No. 747, an extent of 4.12 acres. In S.F. No. 750/2, an extent of 3.35 acres with all right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. Item No. 8: Further in Varapatti Village, Further in S.F. No. 748/2, an extent of 6.10 acres in this landed property area admeasuring 1.45 acres. And further in the above said S.F. No. 748/2 on the eastern side on the North South direction the cart track of an extent of 0.10 acres. In this the area admeasuring 0.10 acres in this common share 0.05 acres. Further, in S.F. No. 750/1, an extent of 3.85 acres, the landed property area admeasuring 1.61½ acres. Further, in S.F. no. 749, an extent of 5.05 acres, the landed property area admeasuring 0.52 ½ acres. Item No. 9: Further in Varapatti Village, in S.F. No. 748/2 an extent of 6.10 acres In this the area admeasuring 1.45 acres. Further, in S.F. No. 748/2 on the Eastern side, on the North South direction the cart track of an extent of 0.10 acres In this the area admeasuring 0.10 acres in this common share 0.05 acres. Further, in S.F. No. 749, an extent of 5.05 acres. In this the area admeasuring 2.14 acres. Item No. 10: Further, in Varappati Village, In S.F. No. 621/1, an extent of 0.76 acres. In S.F. No. 631/3B, an extent of 1.46 acres. In S.F. No. 621/1B, an extent of 1.98 acres. In S.F. No. 621/3A, an extent of 1.95 acres. And all totaling 6.15 acres with right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. Item No. 11: Further in Varappati Village, in S.F. No. 647/4, an extent of 3.30 acres with all right over the mamool cart track. Item No. 12: Further in S.F. No. 647/3, an extent of 2.87 acres, In S.F. No. 648/3, an extent of 2.82 acres. Item No. 13: In S.F. No. 748/1, an extent of 6.33 acres with all right over the mamool cart track. Item No. 14: In Tirupur Registration District, Palladam Sub Registration District, Palladam Taluk in the limits of Sultanpet Panchayat Union and within the limits of Varapatti Panchayat situated in Varapatti Village. In S.F. No. 620/1, an extent of 3.13 acres with all right over the mamool cart track for ingress and egress. THE TOTAL EXTENT SITUATED IN VARAPATTI AND POORANDAMPALAYAM VILLAGE IS 81.09 ACRES together with all appurtenances thereon and VESTAS make 225 KW Wind Mill- 7 Nos., kept/embedded/situated thereon along with all related accessories and installations connected to TNEB. (For detail specification of the Wind Mill property the interested bidder/purchaser may contact the IOB, SARM Branch, Coimbatore.)
    7 acres
    Palladam, Coimbatore
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:30 AM
    Bank Contact Details
    Phone No.:- 0422-2497178,
    EAuction Website
    Indian Overseas Bank
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