Security -6 (Property 10) (As Per Demand Notice date 12.02.2019& Possession Notice 23.12.2019) 10. All that part and parcel of an extent of 1104.55 sq.yds.Equivalent to 923.51 sq.mts site with AC sheet shed at R.S.No 160, D.No 7-9/1 Asst no.2591, Chanikyapuri Colony, Penamaluru Village, Kankipadu Sub Registry limits, Krishna District, standing in the name of Mr.Seelam Devi Vivekananda, S/o Late Shri Seelam Kotilingam,as per registered sale deed document No. 1582/2012 dated 14.03.2012 being bounded by East : 33 ft Road South: Plot No:8&9 West; Rajiv Road (yenugula Kadu) North:33 ft Road.