Item No.1 (Property standing in the name of Smt. Nalla Vijaya Lakshmi) (Property covered by document no. 1669/2012, dated 17.04.2012 with SRO Mummidivaram) The property of fish tanks admeasuring Ac: 4.54 cents located in R. S. No. 1014, situated at Pallamkuru Vill & G. P. Katrenikona Mandal, Mummidivaram SRO, East Godavari District. Bounded by: East: Land Belongs to Sathi Lakshmi and etc., West: Land in RS No. 1007, North: Land belongs to Sathi Gangireddi, South: Land Belongs to N. Vijayalakshmi. Item No.2: (Property standing in the name of Smti. Nalla Vijaya lakshmi) (Property covered by document no. 1670/2012, dated 17.04.2012 with SRO Mummidivaram) The property of fish tanks admeasuring Ac: 0.03 cents in Survey No. 1007/1 and Ac 0.58 Cents in Survey No 1007/2. Total Ac.0.61 Cents, situated at Pallamkurru village, Katrenikona Mandal, Mummidivaram SRO East Godavari District Bounded by: East: Land of Maddala Subba Rao, West: Land in RS No. 1008 North: Land in RS No. 1006, South: Land in RS No. 1007/3. Item No.3: (Property standing in the name of Smt. Nalla Vijaya lakshmi) (Property covered by document no. 2321/2012, dated 22.06.2012 with SRO Mummidivaram) The property of fish tanks admeasuring Ac: 4.89 cents in R. S No. 1007/3, situated at Pallamkurru Vill & G. P Katrenikona Mandal, Mummidivaram SRO, East Godavari District. Bounded by: East: land of the applicant in R.S. No. 1014, West: land of Sadanala Bhaskara Rao etc, North: Land of Applicant in R.S. No. 1007/1.2, South: land of NVSR Murthy in RS No. 1007/3. *TOTAL OF THREE ITEMS COMES TO AC 10.04 CENTS