All the piece and parcel of the property consisting of a residential plot measuring 1 Cottah 8 Chittaks along with building situated at Mouza- Doharia, JL No-45. ReSu No- 132 and 139, Touzi no. 146 under Khatian No. 308 corresponding to LR Khatian No 2022 in R.S. & L.R. Dag No- 73. Holding No. 354/1. Bidhanpally in Ward no 24 under P.S.- Barasat, Madhyamgram. District-North 24 Parganas, Pin- 700129. Owner of the property: Mrs Krishna Roy. The property is bounded by: On the North by: 12ft wide Road, On the South by: Other's property, On the East by: Other's property, On the West by: 4 ft wide Road.