Residential Plot in Nanjai Uthukuli, Erode Indian Overseas Bank Indian Overseas Bank


  • Bank Auction of Residential Plot in Nanjai Uthukuli, Erode
Borrower Name
Velavan Retails,Sri Suriya Lakshmi Trade Endeavours Pvt. Ltd,Sri Suriya Lakshmi Gold House
Bank Name
Indian Overseas Bank
Property Type
residential plot
(i)In Erode Taluk, NanjaiUthukuli Village, (Old SF No. 499-A, B, 500-A,C,D,E,F,G) RS No. 596/2 P.Hec 1.26.0, Kist Rs. 5.27, Old SF No. 498-C) RS No. 596/5, P.Hec 0.58.0, Kist Rs. 1.16 in total P.Hec 1.18.0 in this 14109 ½ sq.ft of lands, out of this western portion of land to an extent of 6054 ¾ sq.ft of land and all appurtenances therein and within the following boundaries: South of Land belongs to Saraswathi, West of land belongs to P RamasamyGounder, East of B Schedule eastern portion lands, North of 30 ft width east-west road. Measuring, East to west : 59 ft on southern side, East to West: 58 ft on northern side, North to south: 105 ft on the western side, North to south: 102 ft on the eastern side. (ii)In Erode Taluk, NanjaiUthukuli Village, (Old SF No. 499-A, B, 500-A,C,D,E,F,G) RS No. 596/2 P.Hec 1.26.0, Kist Rs. 5.27, Old SF No. 498-C) RS No. 596/5, P.Hec 0.58.0, Kist Rs. 1.16 in total P.Hec 1.18.0 in this 14109 ½ sq.ft of lands, out of this western portion of land to an extent of 2263 ½ sq.ft of land and all appurtenances therein and within the following boundaries: South of land belongs to RamasamyGounder,West of land belongs to RamasamyGounder,East of north-south road,North of 30 ft width east-west road, Measuring, East to West: 90 ft on southern side,East to West: 92 ft on northern side,North to South: 24 ¾ ft on the western side, North to South: 25 ft on the eastern side. Total 8318 ¼ sq.ft ( 6054 ¾ + 2263 ½ ) of land with all appurtenances therein and with mamool pathway rights including the rights as mentioned in the partition deed in Doc no. 6560/2009
8318 ¼ sq.ft of land at NanjaiUthukuli Village,Muthur Main Road,Erode
Nanjai Uthukuli, Erode
Reserve Price
Emd Amount
Auction Start Date & Time
Mon, 04 Dec 2023 11:00 AM
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Auction End Date & Time
Mon, 04 Dec 2023 01:00 PM
Bank Contact Details
Lavuri Srinivas (7338786494)
EAuction Website
Indian Overseas Bank
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