Schedule - IV: Property Belonging to M/s. Surabhi Steels Pvt. Ltd. (Property ID: IOBA15510087) All that part and parcel of the vacant land property measuring 189 Cents in S.F.147/3 & 156/1 (Old S.F.148/1B) T.P. No.285, Block No.25, Palakkad RDO. Akathethara Village, Palakkad Taluk, Palakkad District- - 678008 Kerala within the following boundaries: Item No.1 S.F.No.147/3(Old S.F.No.148/1B)(As per sale Deed No. 1985/1995) Extent:1 1.70 acres. North : Property of Surabhi Steel Rolling Mills Pvt.Ltd. South : Properties of SuseelaJanarthanan Nair, East : Mangelly Plantation. West Azhakanpara Panchayat Road. Item No.2 S.F. No. .156/1(Old S.F.No.148/1B)(As per sale Deed No.3091/1996) Extent: 19 Cents. North : Property of Surabhi Steel Rolling Mills Pvt. Ltd., South : Rubber Plantation of Alexander, East : Rubber Plantation of Alexander, West Property of Surabhi Steels. For Property mentioned above Item-1 & Item-2 under Schedule-IV