DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES : Schedule: I. Property belonging to Mr. S. Prithivraj, S/o Mr. M. Shanmugham. Property Id-10BA15510081 In Coimbatore Registration District, Gandhipuram Sub-Registration District, Coimbatore District, Coimbatore Taluk, ChinnavedampattiVilage, in S.F.No.629/1B, Subdivision as per revenue record 629/1B4 part in this an extent of 0.50 acre of land. Measurements and Boundaries: - As per deed: North of Palanisamy's property settled by his mother Lingammal, South of Chinnamettupalayam Road, East of Resurvey No:629/1B, West of Palanisamy's property settled by his mother Lingammal. As per site: North of: Mr. Palanisamy Sold Property, South of: Tar Road, East of: Resurvey Number 629/1B, West of: Mr. Palanisamy Sold Now Residential Layout. In the middle measuring of 0.50 acres of vacant land with all right. This property is within the limits of Chinnavedampatti Panchavati now within the limit of Coimbatore Corporation