Short Description of the Property with known encumbrance, if any 1) All the piece and parcel of vacant land measuring an extent of 1472 Sq. ft., along with 0.55 Sq.ft., of vacantland (Out of 00282,) comprised in Gramanatham Old Sy. No. 48/13-part, New Sy.No. 660/9, bearing Patta No. 2045. Kuselar Street, 11th Ward at No. 42. Paramasivam Nagar Thirukalukundram Village &Taluk. bounded on the North by House and Plot belongs to-Mr. T K Elumalai, South by Remaining extent of Mr. Kumaraswamy. East by : Kuselar Street and West by Gramanatham vacant land 2) All that piece and parcel of vacant land measuring an extent of 16 Sq. ft., and extent of 1614 Sq. measuring a total extent of 1630 Sq. ft., of vacant land (out of 00282 comprised in Gramanatham Old Sy. No 48/13-part, New Sy.No.660/9 bearing pattaNo. 2045 Kuselar Street, 11th Ward, at No: 42, Paramasivam Nagar, Thirukkalukkundrum Village &Taluk bounded on the North by Mrs. E.Ramanchi's purchased property. South by House and plot belongs to Mr Umapathy Vagairah East by Kuselar Street and West by Gramanatham vacantland