Vacant land located at (Old R.S.No's 756/1, 756/2, 756/3, 760/6 & 760/7). New R.S.No:17 (Old R.S.No's: 756/4, 756/5 & 756/6), New R.S.No.16 Keezhur Village, Kurinjipadi Taluk, Cuddalore District Lands in OldR.S.No.756/1:122Cents Lands in Old R.S.No.756/2: 122 Cents, Lands in Old R.S.No.756/3: 122 Cents, Lands in Old R.S.No.760/6: 121 Cents Lands in Old R.S.No.760/7: 120 Cents, Lands in Old R.S.No.756/5 122 Cents. Lands in OldR.S.No.756/6:122 Cents Total Extent of the site is 907 Cents (9.07 Acres) This property belongs to Mrs. R Rajeswari W/o Mr. D Rajendran Boundaries:North: Ayipettai land, South: Ramachandran land, East Kulandaivelul land, West: Vadakuthu Village Boundary