Office in Nikol, Ahmedabad Jana Small Finance Bank Jana Small Finance Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Indus Hospital
    Bank Name
    Jana Small Finance Bank
    Property Type
    Property-1 All that piece and parcel of Non Agricultural plot of land in Moje Nikol, Ahmedabad lying bearing R.S. No. 39/3, admeasuring 8195.00 Sq.mtrs. R.S.No.39/5. admeasuring 2125.00 Sq.mtrs., Survey No. 89, Admeasuring 7284.00 Sq. Mtrs. T.P. Scheme No. 111. F.P.No. 79/2,111/1, admeasuring 10562.00 Sq.mtrs., Paikki Sub Plot No.1+2/1 admeasuring 4917.00 Sq.mtrs., known as "ANGLE ARCADE paiki (1) Fourth Floor Office .401, Carpet area admeasuring 112.84 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 47.49 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.402 Carpet area admeasuring 61.54 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 26.03 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.411, Carpet area admeasuring 57.79 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 24.51 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No 412, Carpet area admeasuring 110.65 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 46.67 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.413, Carpet area admeasuring 50.02 Sq.mtrs. Undivided share of land admeasuring 21.57 Sq.mtrs. (2) Fourth Floor Office No 403, Fourth Floor Carpet area admeasuring 10 Sq.mtrs. Undivided share of land admeasuring 32.33 Fourth Floor Office No.404, Carpet area admeasuring 73.02 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 30.99 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.409, Carpet area admeasuring 72.29 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 30.77 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.410, Carpet area admeasuring 68.53 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 29.22 Sq. Mtrs. (3) Fourth Floor Office No.405, Carpet area admeasuring 61.54 Sq.mtrs. Undivided share of land admeasuring 26.01 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office lo.406, Carpet area admeasuring 134.23 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 56.34 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office 407, Carpet area admeasuring 134.50 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 56.44 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office o.408, Carpet area admeasuring 59.59 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 25.28 Sq.mtrs., (4) Fourth Floor Office No.416, Carpet area admeasuring 97.44 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 41.20 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.417, Carpet area admeasuring Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 17 Sq.mtrs., at Registration District & Sub District Asarva City District Ahmedabad (5) Fourth Floor Office No.418, Carpet area admeasuring 74.70 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 31.90 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.419, Carpet area admeasuring 77.80 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 31.90 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.420, Carpet area admeasuring 61.23 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admea- suring 26.02 Sq.mtrs., Fourth Floor Office No.421, Carpet area admeasuring 133.32 Sq.mtrs., Undivided share of land admeasuring 56.46 Sq mtrs. Office 401: Boundaries: East by: Office No.412, West by: Common Road, North by: Open Space, South by: Office No.402 Office 402: Boundaries: East by: Office No.411, West by: Road, North by: Office No.4 401, South by: Office No.403. Office No. 411: Boundaries: East by: Lobi, West by: Road, North by: Office No 412, South by: Office No.410. Office No.412: Boundaries: East by: Office No. 413, West by: Office No 401, North by: Open Space, South by: Office No.411. Office No.413: Boundaries: East by: Office No.414, West by: Office 412, North by: Open Space, South by: Lobi. Office No.405: Boundaries: East by: Office No. 408. West by: Common Road, North by: Office No 404. South by: Office No.406 Office No.406: Boundaries: East by: Office No.407, West by: Road, North by: Office No. 405. South by: Road Office No.407: Boundaries: East by: Complex Open Space, West by: Office No.406, North by: Office No. 408, South by: Road. Office No. .408: Boundaries: East by: Complex Open Space, West by: Office 405. North by: Office No.409. South by: Office No 407. Office No.403: Boundaries: East by: Office No. 410, West by: Common road, North by: Office No 402. South by: Common Ladder & Lift. Office No.404: Boundaries: East by: Office No.409, West by: T.P Road, North by: Common Ladder & Lift, South by: Office 405. Office No.409: Boundaries: East by: Complex Open Space, West by: Office No.404, North by: Office No South by: Road. Office No.410: Boundaries: East by: Complex Open Space, West by: Office No 403, North by: Office No.411, South by: Common Ladder & Lift. Office No.416: Boundaries: East by: Margin Space, West by: Office No.415, North by: Office No.417, South by: Common Ladder & Lift Office No.417: Boundaries: East by: Margin Space, West by: Open Space, North by: Office No.418, South by: Office No.416 Office Boundaries: East by: Open Space, West by: Complex Open Space, North by: Office No.417, South by: Office 0.419. Office No. 419: Boundaries: East by: Open Space, West by: Complex Open Space, North by: Office No.418, South by: Office No 420. Office No.420: Boundaries: East by: Open Space, Westby: Complex Open Space, North by: Office No.419, South by: Office No. 421. Office No.421: Boundaries: East by: Open Space, West by: Complex Open Space, North by: Office No. 420. South by: Road.
    8195 Sq Mtrs
    Nikol, Ahmedabad
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Tue, 18 Jun 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 19 Jun 2024 02:00 PM
    Add To Calendar
    Inspection Date & Time
    04-06-2024 09:30 AM To 05:00 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Authorized Officers :- Mr. Bhavik Patel - 9173097888 / Mr. Ranjan Nai - 9590858249
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