All that piece and parcel of, Flat No.21 admeasuring 1272 sq ft. equivalent to 118.22 sqm. in the the building named and styled as "Shriram Anand Sankul" constructed on Survey No.2A/1A/1- 1/8/1 adm. 1500 sqmtr. and situated within the limits of revenue village Deolali, Taluka and District Nasik and within the limits of Nasik Municipal Corporation and bounded as per building plan. All that piece and parcel of, Flat No.22 admeasuring 1272 sq ft. equivalent to 118.22 sqm. in the the building named and styled as "Shriram Anand Sankul" constructed on Survey No.2A/1A/1-1/8/1 adm. 1500 sqm. and situated within the limits of revenue village Deolali, Taluka and District Nasik and within the limits of Nasik Municipal Corporation and bounded as per building plan