Immovable Property bearing Municipal No. 11/1-1, Tirumala LN Luxur, G3, G4, F2, F3, F4, T5, T8, Residential Flats, PID No. 40-107-11/1-1, BBMP Ward No. 40, Attiguppe (Old Corporation Division 29. 2nd Main Road, Attiguppe), measuring : all that piece and parcel of Residential Flats bearing: S.No. Flat No. Floor S-Built up Area (Sft.) UDS(Sft.) 1 G-3 Ground 1520 464 2 G-4 Ground 1025 313 3 F-2 First 1065 325 4 F-3 First 1520 464 5 F-4 First 1025 313 6 F-5 First 1095 334 7 T-5 Third 1095 334 8 T-6 Third 1455 444 Constructed in ITEM NO. 01 East to West:18.00ft.towards North and 39 Ft. towards South, North to South: 43.60 FL towards East and 46.6 Ft. towards West, Totally measuring 1285.35 Sq.ft. ITEM NO. 02: East to West 97.0ft towards North and 102.0 Ft. towards South, North to South: 75.6 FL towards East and 86 Ft. towards West, Totally measuring 8039.6 Sq.ft. Both Item No. 01 and 02 together measure 9324.95 Sq.ft. and are compositely bounded on East by: Road, West by: Appaiahnna Kalyana Mantapa, North by: Road, and South by: BDA School & Jyothi Nursing Home.
For further details the intending bidders may contact the Authorised Officer, Janatha Seva Co-Op Bank Ltd. No. "Rajatha Bhavan" 1st Main Road, Hakka Road, Hampinagar, Vijayanagar, 2nd Stage, Bangalore. (Ph. 080-23300497, 41159606) For ascertaining the details of property and also for inspection of property on the date fixed by the Bank.