2)That the mortgagor Shri. Rushikesh Shalikram Vidhate Property/Plot No-10-B Mouje-Chandur Bazar,Pragane- Karajgaon, Field Surve No- 82/3,Taluka Chandur Bazar, Comparising of its Area 1265 Sq.Ft. situated within the local limit of Grampanchayat Shirajgaon Band Tq.Chandur Bazar,Dist. Amravati by Regd.Sale Deed No- 967/21 on Dt.08/03/2021 and same combinedly Bounded as Under - Towards East-Layout Road, Towards West-Plot No-6-A,Towards North-Plot No.11-A Towards South-Plot No-10-A