All that part and parcel of Jenmam land admeasuring 13 acres 24 cents bearing New Sy. No. 6/8, 6/9. 11/20. 2/15, 11/9, 11/2, 6/1, 6/9. 6/10 and 2/10, Old Sy. No. 18C/4A 6/2, 4/2, Thandaper 885. 49. 865, 884, 467. 904, Block 30, located in District and Sub District Palakkad, Palakkad Taluk, Furka Elappully, Pudussery West Village Amsom Pudussery and Desom Pudussery together with all buildings existing or to be constructed Bounded as follows: North: property of Ushamani, Anish, Rajan and others, Velayudhan, Hemavathy and Road South: Property of Ajais, Raman and Kesavan: East: Property of Saramma West: property of Anish, Babu and Road (Pari passu Charge of Secured Creditor and Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation) The property is owned by Kerala Sponge Iron Ltd