All that part and parcel of Commercial property bearing Municipal Old Khata No. 39/39/3, New Khata No. 400/39/39/3/A measuring 2860 sq ft (East to West 44 feet and North to South-65 feet) with building constructed thereon, situated at BK Road Kalyan Gate Opp to JDS Bhavan, Ward No. 15, Magadi Town/Kasaba Magadi Taluk. Ramanagaram District belonging to Mr. Venugopal, since deceased represented by Legal heirs (i) Mr. Nagarjun M V and (ii) Mr. Shashidhar M.V. Boundaries of the property (As per documents) East by : 10 x 140 Feet Road, West by Mill belonging to Bhaskar Char. North by : Remaining portion of property belonging to MR Jagadish: South by : Bengaluru-Kunigal Road