Item.No.1. All that part and parcel of commercial property situated at Asif Nagar Village of Karimnagar - 2, Mandal of Karimnagar District bearing the following SI. NO Sy No Extent 275 1 Acre 05 Guntas 212/B 0.15 Guntas 3 653/C 0.18 Guntas Belonging to Mr. Penchala Anjaneyulu bounded by SI.No1: Land in Sy. No.275 of an extent of Ac 1.05 Gts,: East: PWD Road, West: Land of Kola Laxman, North: Land of Juttu Gopaiah, South: Land of Penchala Anjaneyulu. SI. No.2 &.3: Land in Sy. No212/B of an extent Ac 0.15 Gts and Land in Sy. No. 653/C of an extent of Ac. 0.18 Gts total measuring Ac.0.33 Gts, East: PWD Road, West: Land of Kola Laxman, North: Land of M.A. Farooq, South: Land of Kola Laxman.