All the part and parcel of Residential Flat bearing Flat No.T-5, Third Floor, "Attavara Palace", B- Block, bearing Door No.17/13/1072/37, measuring 1098 sqfeet situated at Attavara Village. Attavara New Road/Bishop Victor Road, Opp. To K.MC. Hopsital, Attavara, Mangalore along with 1.50 undivided share in property measuring 31 Cents situated in Sy.No.831-A & 847, T.SNo.657-A & 641, Khatha Certificate No.3996, wherein the aforesaid Apartment is constructed, belonging to MrMohammed SH. and bounded by: EAST: Portion of same S.No: WEST: Portion of same S.No.; NORTH: Survey Line; SOUTH: Road;