All that part and parcel of land measuring 3 cottahs and 6 Chittacks (one cottah 720 sq.ft, one chittack 45 sq.ft), with building constructed thereon with built up area of 1190 sq.ft bearing J.L.No.15, Dag No.67, Khatian No.146, Plot No.70 situated at premisesNo.47/1, Gulepara Road, Mouza Basudevpua Police Station Behala, 78/2, Biren Roy Road (west), Kolkata-700061. belonging to Ms. Laxmi Rani Roy. East: 16-0 Wide Road, West: Partly 12-0 wide Road & Partly plot No.73, North: Property of Shri.Batakrishna Nath, South: Plot No.71