Land & Building : Tirunelveli Registration District, Gangaikondan Sub Registrar Jurisdiction Saragam, Palayamkottai Taluk, Seevalaperi Village, Natham S.No.1811/24 (Old Natham S.No.1652 Part) an extent of 0.11.56 Hect., equal to 28.55 cents out of this 6 cents bounded by south of East West Common street, North of East West common street, West of House site belongs to Mohammed Ali, East of Natham vacant land, out of the above 6 cents Eastern half 3 cents equal to 1306.8 Sq.ft., of land and building constructed thereon bounded by North : East West Common Street, South : East West Common Street, East : House Site belongs to Mohamed Ali, West :Vacant Site belongs to Mohamed Saleem. Latitude : N - 8° 46' 58"; Longitude : E 77 °94 0"