All that part and parcel of Non Agricultural Property bearing Sy. No 325/10, PID No. 13-2-511-698 measuring 13 cents along with 2 separate residential buildings bearing D.No.13-2-511-698/A-0-1 and D.No.13-2-511-69B/8-0-1. situated at Nandila Kasba Village Puttur Taluk belonging to Mr. Shantharaj and Mrs. Suketha. Boundaries of the property as per Deed Actual: East: 6.0 Mtr. wide Approach Road/12Ft twide Approach Road: West: Portion of S No.325/9/Vacant L Land; North: Portion of No 325/17/ Portion of same S No. (Residence): South: Portion of S.No.325/18 / Road